
0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars; First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.

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Number Title Codes
STA 20 General Statistics
STA 30 Basic Statistics and Quantitative Literacy QS
STA 89S First-Year Seminar
STA 101L Data Analysis and Statistical Inference R, STS, QS
STA 101LA Data Analysis and Statistical Inference R, STS, QS
STA 102L Introductory Biostatistics R, STS, QS
STA 102LA Introduction to Biostatistics R, STS, QS
STA 110FS Focus Program - Introductory Special Topics in Statistics QS
STA 111L Probability and Statistical Inference QS
STA 113FS Visualizing Data R, QS
STA 115FS Mathematics of Data Science STS, QS
STA 130L Probability and Statistics in Engineering QS
STA 190 Topics in Statistical Science
STA 198L Introduction to Global Health Data Science R, STS, QS
STA 199L Introduction to Data Science and Statistical Thinking R, STS, QS
STA 210L Regression Analysis R, QS
STA 221L Regression Analysis: Theory and Applications R, QS
STA 230 Probability QS
STA 230S Probability Inquiry Based Learning W, QS
STA 231 Advanced Introduction to Probability QS
STA 240L Probability for Statistical Inference, Modeling, and Data Analysis QS
STA 291 Independent Study
STA 310 Generalized Linear Models R, QS
STA 313L Advanced Data Visualization R, QS
STA 322 Study Design: Design of Surveys and Causal Studies QS
STA 323D Statistical Computing R, QS
STA 325L Machine Learning and Data Mining QS
STA 340 Introduction to Statistical Decision Analysis QS
STA 344 Introduction to the Statistical Modeling of Spatial and Time Series Data QS
STA 360L Bayesian Inference and Modern Statistical Methods STS, QS
STA 391 Independent Study
STA 393 Research Independent Study R
STA 410L Multilevel and Hierarchical Models QS
STA 432 Theory and Methods of Statistical Learning and Inference QS
STA 440L Case Studies in the Practice of Statistics R, W, QS
STA 444L Statistical Modeling of Spatial and Time Series Data R, QS
STA 450L Theory and Methods for the Analysis of Social Networks STS, QS
STA 465 Introduction to High Dimensional Data Analysis QS
STA 470S Introduction to Statistical Consulting EI, R, W, QS
STA 490 Special Topics in Statistics
STA 491 Independent Study
STA 493 Research Independent Study R
STA 502 Bayesian Inference and Decision
STA 503 Choice Theory
STA 521L Predictive Modeling and Statistical Learning QS
STA 522 Study Design: Design of Surveys and Causal Studies QS
STA 523L Programming for Statistical Science QS
STA 531 Advanced Bayesian Inference and Stochastic Modeling QS
STA 532 Theory of Statistical Inference QS
STA 540L Case Studies in Statistical and Data Science R, W, QS
STA 542 Introduction to Time Series Analysis
STA 561D Probabilistic Machine Learning QS
STA 563 Information Theory
STA 571 Advanced Stochastic Modeling and Machine Learning QS
STA 581 ProSeminar: Becoming a Statistical Scientist
STA 582 Spring Proseminar
STA 583 Communicating Statistics and Data Science
STA 602L Bayesian Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis QS
STA 610L Multilevel and Hierarchical Models QS
STA 611 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics QS
STA 612D Numerical Analysis R, QS
STA 613 Statistical Methods for Computational Biology
STA 621 Applied Stochastic Processes QS
STA 623 Statistics and Decision Analysis QS
STA 640 Causal Inference QS
STA 641 Statistical Learning and Bayesian Nonparametrics QS
STA 642 Time Series and Dynamic Models QS
STA 643 Modern Design of Experiments QS
STA 644L Statistical Modeling of Spatial and Time Series Data R, QS
STA 650L Theory and Methods for the Analysis of Social Networks QS
STA 663L Statistical Computing and Computation QS
STA 671D Theory and Algorithms for Machine Learning QS
STA 690 Special Topics in Statistics
STA 690-1 Special Topics in Statistics
STA 690-40 Topics in Probability Theory
STA 693 Research Independent Study R
STA 698 Capstone Project
STA 701S Statistical Science Graduate Research Seminar
STA 702L Bayesian Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis
STA 711 Probability and Measure Theory
STA 715 Stochastic Models
STA 721L Linear Models
STA 723 Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics
STA 725 Bayesian Health Data Science
STA 732 Statistical Inference
STA 741 Compressed Sensing and Related Topics
STA 771S Teaching Statistics: Instruction, Pedagogy, and Curriculum Development
STA 772S Mentoring Undergraduate STEM Research
STA 790 Special Topics in Statistics
STA 790-1 Special Topics in Statistics
STA 798 Capstone Project
STA 831 Probability and Statistical Models
STA 832 Multivariate Statistical Analysis
STA 841 Models and Methods for Categorical Data
STA 863 Advanced Statistical Computing
STA 891 Topics for Preliminary Exam Preparation in Statistical Science
STA 901S Statistical Science Seminar
STA 915 High-Dimensional Statistics and Machine Learning
STA 941 Bayesian Nonparametric Models and Methods
STA 942S Time Series and Forecasting
STA 944 Spatial Statistics
STA 961 Stochastic Processes
STA 993 Independent Study
STA 994 Independent Study
STA 995 Internship
STA 996 Spring or Fall Internship