Students considering pursuing Graduation with Distinction should connect with potential faculty advisors during the Spring semester of their junior year and must identify an advisor by the end of that semester. You should explore the web pages of the Statistical Science faculty to get a flavor of their current research activities and contact the professors directly for discussion and further information. To help get you started, department faculty have provided example topics below, and they are always interested in hearing about your own project ideas as well.
Note: Students working with visiting faculty should also identify a co-advisor from the regular Statistical Science faculty.
Professor & Potential Project Topics
Filippo Ascolani
David Banks
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Cliburn Chan
James Clark
Merlise Clyde
David Dunson
Alexander Fisher
Amy Herring
Peter Hoff
Ed Iversen
Fan Li
Li Ma
Simon Mak
Jonathan Mattingly
Galen Reeves
Jerry Reiter
Cynthia Rudin
Colin Rundel
Scott Schmidler
Beka Steorts
Maria Tackett
Surya Tokdar
Alex Volfovsky
Jason Xu