Student Governance

Graduate Consultative Committee 

The MSS Graduate Student Consultative Committee (GCC) is a student committee comprised of one second year student (from the previous GCC) and three/four first year students. The primary responsibility of the graduate consultative committee (GCC) is to represent the student body to the faculty of the department of statistical science.

Members of the GCC act as liaison between faculty and students to ensure needs and desires of both parties are met and addressed within the department. 

The GCC primarily work with the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) for the Master's program to ensure all academic needs of the students are met. Complaints or suggestions by the students regarding departmental issues (e.g. seminar, office space, etc.) are brought to the director by the GCC.

The GCC will recruit and assign graduate students to assist departmental staff and the program director in coordinating events within the department (see specific responsibilities below) including:

  • Fall Semester
    • MSS/MIDS Career Fair
    • Monthly student meeting with MSS Director 
    • Mid-Semester Evaluation
  • Spring Semester
    • Alumni Day
    • Monthly student meeting with MSS Director
    • New Student Open House event 

MSS General Assembly (GA) Departmental Representatives to GPSC 

Each year, the Graduate and Professional Students Council (GPSC) asks for one or more General Assembly (GA) student appointments from each program. The GA representative will represent the Master's students in the department with respect to student affairs, including health and wellness to post-degree career planning to exercising their personal and MSS interests. The representatives work with graduate and professional students across Duke schools and Campus to make sure that all students in the MSS program have what they need to be successful. 

Responsibility: As the MSS representative, the student should be willing to attend a majority of GA meetings (8 times a year). The official dates for the Fall Schedule will be released at the first GA meeting.