Course Help & Tutoring

Statistical Education Center

The Statistical Education Center is Duke's primary education resource for the nearly 1,800 students who take statistics courses each year. Course and general teaching assistants each hold a minimum of two hours of office hours per week, in a mix of online and in-person meetings. During office hours students can drop by to ask questions and get clarification or further exploration of material from their courses. Some course TAs will also hold review sessions prior to exams and will announce their location.

Office hours link may be found in your Duke Sakai course. 

Students seeking help should plan on attending office hours when a TA assigned to their course is scheduled to be there. Students taking courses with multiple lab/discussion/lecture sections can seek help from any TA for that course. When TAs are not busy with students from their own courses, they may also be able to help other students in lower-level courses. 

In addition, students who need help in their StatSci courses should speak with their instructors. All instructors for StatSci courses hold a minimum of two hours of office hours per week, typically in their offices; your instructors will inform you of their office hours schedule and location in the course syllabus, Sakai site, or on their websites. If you are regularly unable to make it to your instructor or TA during office hours due to other commitments, you should discuss this matter with your TA and professor who can suggest other resources for you.

Other Resources

Note for veterans of U.S. military service: Some Duke student veterans may be eligible for private tutoring assistance as discussed on the GI Bill website.​​​​ Here's Duke's page of information on Military Affiliated Education Benefits. For more information, contact the Duke Veterans Education office.

Academic Resource Center: A group tutorial is available for STA 101L.

Private Tutors

We have compiled a list of students who might be available for private tutoring. Please contact them directly with your inquiry. Note that this is not a service provided by the Department of Statistical Science. This is only meant to facilitate connecting those looking for a tutor with those interested in providing tutoring services.

Access Student Tutor List