
Title Description File
BRCA This dataset  consists of the results of 987 screening mammograms administered at the Group Health Cooperative in the state of Washington during the year 2002...
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Chemical Heat Transfer A chemical engineering experiment was run to study heat transfer in a shallow fluidized bed. Data were collected on the following four candidate regressors...
Download fye2009takehome (xls - 13.5 KB)
Climate Scientists are interested in the Earth's temperature change since the last glacial maximum, about 20,000 years ago...
Download climate (dat - 2.16 KB)
Diameter Measurement Diameter measurement data for 88 trees obtained from a mapped stand in Duke Forest...
Download diamdata (txt - 23.43 KB)
Estrogen Bioassay What do Barbie dolls, food wrap, edamame, and spermicides have in common? And what do they have to do with low sperm counts, precocious puberty, and breast cancer? ”Everything,” say those who...
Download bioassay (txt - 70.64 KB)
IrishElectricity The dataset provides daily total electricity consumption for 151 households in Ireland for the four month period between November 15, 2009 to March 15, 2010...
Download IrishElectricity (txt - 125.59 KB)
Kiva Loans This data set contains information on a random sample of 5,000 Kiva loans and their repayment structures. Each row represents a repayment on the loan...
Download loans-samp-0 (xls - 13.1 MB)
Mercury in Bass Rivers in North Carolina contain small concentrations of mercury which can accumulate in fish over their lifetimes. Because mercury cannot be excreted from the body, it builds up in the tissues...
Download mercury-bass_0 (txt - 4.09 KB)
Prison Isolation Subjects from the general population of Central Prison, Raleigh, NC, volunteered for an experiment involving an "isolation" experience. (Those convicted of felon offenses are housed in this facility.)...
Download prison (dat - 1.54 KB)
Sleep A particular individual sometimes has difficulty falling asleep, and sometimes awakens during the night repeatedly or for significant amounts of time.  Upon consulting a sleep doctor...
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Springbok Survey Monitoring programs to track long-term changes in population size are important for applied ecological studies. Such monitoring programs often have multiple objectives...
Download springbok (xls - 91.5 KB)