Independent Study

Statistical Science students pursue independent studies to augment or extend work beyond the set curriculum. Independent study courses allow students to pursue a field of special interest under the supervision of a Statistical Science faculty member, resulting in a substantive paper, project, or written report containing significant analysis and interpretation of a previously approved topic. The Department of Statistical Science offers independent study courses at three levels and research independent study courses at two levels, which are described below. Up to one independent study at the 300- or 400-level can be used towards major or minor elective requirements.

STA 291, STA 391, and STA 491: Independent Study (IS)

These courses require individual, non-research, directed study in a field of special interest on a previously approved topic taken under the supervision of a faculty member and resulting in an academic and/or artistic product. Such independent study courses do not bear a Research (R) code and do not satisfy any general education requirements besides the Small Group Learning Experience (SGLE) requirement. In Statistical Science, these courses consist of directed readings or work in a field of special interest under the supervision of a faculty member, the central goal of which is a non-research but still substantive paper, project, or written report covering a previously approved topic. Consent of the instructor and director of undergraduate studies is required. The course should include content and goals requiring performance appropriate to a 200, 300, or 400-level course, respectively, in Statistical Science. 

A non-research, internship-related independent study may be done for credit only for an unpaid internship; please discuss questions about confidentiality and  any requested non-disclosure agreement with the DUS. Detailed policies for an internship-related IS are contained in the Statistical Science IS Policies document.  

Students planning to apply for  STA 291, 391, or 491 should email for questions; the independent study proposal form is here.

STA 393, STA 493: Research Independent Study

These courses require individual research in a field of special interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The central goal is a substantive paper or written report containing significant analysis and interpretation of a previously approved topic. Such research independent study courses bear a Research (R) code and satisfy general education Research requirements. Note: STA 360 is the prerequisite for STA 493. 

Students planning to apply for STA 393 or 493 should email for questions and may access the independent study proposal form here.

One research independent study may be submitted and approved for a Writing (W) code in addition to the R code designation, but no other curriculum code designations are permitted for research independent study courses. Students using a research independent study for Graduation with Distinction should also obtain a Writing (W) designation. Students who wish to request a W code for one research independent study course must send the completed Writing (W) Code form to the Trinity College Courses Committee by the end of the drop/add period for the semester they are enrolled in the course.  Further details and the form itself may be found on the Trinity College page below. Students enrolling in a Research Independent Study course must fulfill the Undergraduate Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirements detailed in the application and the document below. 

Trinity College Writing Code (W) for Research Independent Study Course