In-depth study of regression modeling with emphasis on applications and theoretical underpinnings. Linear and logistic regression, analysis of variance, model diagnostics, and selection. Maximum likelihood and least squares estimation of regression parameters. Examples from a variety of fields. Prerequisite: Either any STA 100-level course or STA 230, 231, or 240L and MATH 216, 218, or 221. The recommended co-requisite is STA 230, 231, or 240L. Interested students with different backgrounds should seek instructor consent. This course is required for Statistical Science majors and students interested in taking STA 360. Students interested in an applied-only regression course should take STA 210.
Prerequisite: (STA 230, 231, 240L, or MATH 228L, 230, 340, or any 100-level Statistical Science course) and (MATH 216, 218D-1, 218D-2, or 221)