Getting Started with Statistics

Thinking About Statistical Science Courses or Programs?

Many introductory statistics courses have similar-sounding descriptions and cover similar content; the primary differences are generally the sophistication of the mathematics assumed or used within the course and the examples selected for the target audience. The table below lists a summary of the department's introductory courses and each course's primary audience. Please review thoroughly and feel free to contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies with any questions about courses and/or programs.

When you matriculate at Duke, the Academic Advising Center will assign a College Advisor to work with you until you declare your major, typically during your sophomore year. That pre-major advisor will help you get registered for all of your first courses. If you have questions about specific courses or programs that may affect your registration planning, you are encouraged to reach out to the departments of interest.

Each summer, we hold open departmental advising sessions for new students to answer questions about our fall courses, placement, prerequisites, and the potential paths through our programs. We also hold open advising sessions before registration each semester and throughout the year for future StatSci students planning their paths through the department whether that path is a few courses or an entire program.

If you are interested in exploring a major or minor in statistics or an IDM in data science, please add yourself to our mailing list for students interested in exploring Statistical Science. Go to, log in with your Duke NetID and password, then subscribe.

Once you declare a major, minor, or IDM in our department, you'll be assigned your own departmental advisor. Incoming transfer students will work with a College Advisor or will be assigned a departmental advisor, depending on their class level. In either case, the Advising Center will send you to this page of details about your new program in Statistical Science and our department will ask you to fill out this form. We'll assign an advisor based on the information you provide and notify you of that assignment.  

Please note that none of the courses listed on this page require prior coding experience.  You'll learn the skills you need in your first courses. For further information about our programs and courses, email us

Course NumberMath RequirementPrimary Audience
STA 101L – Data Analysis and Statistical InferenceHigh School AlgebraHumanities and Social Science majors and students fulfilling QS, R, STS, or major requirements.
STA 102L – Introductory BiostatisticsHigh School AlgebraPre-health students, Natural Science majors, and students fulfilling QS, R, STS, or major requirements.
STA 110FS – Introductory Special Topics in StatisticsLight CalculusStudents in the Focus Program. Math prerequisite: MATH 21 or equivalent.
STA 113FS - Visualizing DataHigh School AlgebraStudents in the Focus Program.  No statistical or computing background is necessary. 
STA 198L - Intro to Health Data ScienceHigh School Algebra

If you are an intended Statistical Science major or minor who is interested in pre-health, start here or in STA 199L!

Statistical Science majors and minors who are also pre-health or Natural Science majors who are pursuing pre-health studies and interested in applications of modern data science and computing techniques to their fields as well as students fulfilling QS, R, STS, or major requirements. Also, a great choice for any student wanting a modern and thorough introduction to R.

STA 199L – Intro to Data ScienceHigh school Algebra

If you are an intended Statistical Science major or minor, start here!

Statistical Science majors and minors or Social Science, Natural Science, or Humanities majors who are interested in applications of modern data science and computing techniques to their fields as well as students fulfilling QS, R, STS, or major requirements. Also a great choice for any student wanting a modern and thorough introduction to R.

STA 230 – ProbabilityCalculus II or HigherStatistical Science, Computer Science, and Math majors and minors or students who want a mathematical introduction to probability and statistics. Math Prerequisite: MATH 22, 112L, 122, 122L, 202, 212, 219, or 222, or equivalent. Not open to students who have credit for MATH 340.
STA 240L – Probability for StatisticsCalculus II or Higher

This is the recommended probability course for Statistical Science students.

Statistical Science, Computer Science, and Math majors and minors or students who want a computational introduction to probability and statistics. Math prerequisite: MATH 22, 112L, 122, 122L, 202, 212, 219, or 222, or equivalent. Not open to students who have taken STA 230/MATH 230 or MATH 340/STA 231.