The Washington Statistical Society (WSS) and RTI International are pleased to announce that Jerome (Jerry) P. Reiter, Mrs. Alexander Hehmeyer Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University has been chosen as this year's recipient of the Gertrude M. Cox Award. The Award, established in 2003 through a joint agreement between WSS and RTI, recognizes statisticians in early to mid-career who have made significant contributions to statistical practice.
The award is in memory of Gertrude M. Cox (1900-1978), who in the 1950s played a key role in establishing Mathematical Statistics and Biostatistics Departments at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a Statistical Division at the then newly founded RTI. Past recipients in chronological order include: Sharon Lohr, Alan Zaslavsky, Tom Belin, Vance Berger, Francesca Domenici, Thomas Lumley, Jean Opsomer, Michael Elliott, Nilanjan Chatterjee, Amy Herring, and Frauke Kreuter.