We are delighted to announce that Professor Li Ma has been chosen the next chair-elect of the Bayesian Nonparametrics section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (BNP-ISBA). BNP-ISBA promotes the development and application of Bayesian nonparametric methods and inferential techniques, and this research area has long been a specialty of the Department of Statistical Science at Duke.
Several Duke alumni were elected to other roles on the recent ISBA ballot, including Aki Nishimura (Secretary of the Computation Section), Fan Bu (Program Chair of the Biostatistics & Pharmaceutical Statistics Section), and Ale Zito (Treasurer of the J-ISBA Section). Former postdoc Andee Kaplan was elected Program Chair of the Environmental Sciences Section, and former long-term visitor Sally Paganin was elected to the ISBA Board of Directors.