Health Data Science

Focus Track - Health Data Science logo

The MS focus in Health Data Science stresses the courses STA 521L, 523L, 610L, that are critical core/foundations for students to develop skills and experience in the basic statistical methodologies as well as computer programming relevant as they move into such areas. Students on this track are advised to consider taking MS electives including STA 640 (Causal Inference, linked to comparative effectiveness research, observational studies, and clinical trials), and STA 522 (Study Design: Design of Surveys and Causal Studies), linked to areas of surveys. 

Students may and will typically consider adding at least one, possibly two electives in other programs and departments, with detailed consultation with their MS advisor. There are several relevant graduate courses offered at Duke in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, e.g., BIOSTAT 713 (Survival analysis), BIOSTAT 718 (Analysis of Correlated and Longitudinal Data), and BIOSTAT 710 (Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology), BIOSTAT 823 (Statistical Programming for Big Data), 
BIOSTAT 824 (Case Studies in Biomedical Data Science.) 

Selected Past Employers:
  • ICON, plc
  • Abbvie, Inc.
  • Illumina
  • Biogen
  • Lean TaaS​
  • Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), Duke University
  • eHealth
  • BERD, Duke Universty