2020 M.S., Statistical Science
"The Statistical Science program taught me the importance of learning from and collaborating with my peers. I could not have completed the program without the patience of my peers as we studied together. This has made me a more effective collaborator and teammate in my current job. On a more professional level, the program gave me the knowledge needed to shift my career to a more data and modeling specific role in industry, ultimately leading to my dream job. The speed of learning in the program prepared me to quickly learn and diagnose problems in a project based role."
"Identify an industry you are interested in working in. Statistics has broad applications, but understanding the full context of the environment where you are building models is important. Research common models within that context as well as how people are trying to push the bounds of what is being done within the industry. This can help you understand which electives or projects might make you more effective for a future job."